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Our methodology combines findings from the new discipline of positive psychology with a practical approach to help individuals explore their personal wants and needs and professional goals in a highly objective manner.

In the early consultations, clients focus on exploring who they are and what they like. Through a series of exercises and surveys, a picture emerges of the aspects of life that are truly important to each client’s happiness.

In following phases, Valley Forge works with clients to identify the aspects of their life that they would like to change, and the expected impact of those changes. The result of these discussions is a plan for personal and professional growth, consisting of small and big steps the client can take to achieve their goals.

Over time the coaching sessions become a checkpoint to make sure the client is sticking to the plan, or recognizing when the plan has been modified. New goals are documented and put into play.

Most ValleyForge client sessions occur over the phone in short, 30 minute sessions. For your free initial consultation, please click here.