So, today’s the big day. You are going to dive into your writing project and really get something done. Forget that this is the 63rd big progress day, and that during the previous progress days nothing got done. This time is different. Only it isn’t. You sit down, eager and willing, open up your word Continue Reading
The Modern Evolution of Internal Enlightenment
I will confine my thoughts to the last four decades partially because of the limited scope of this forum and partially because those are the only decades I can attest to being physically in existence. I am, after all, a meager 45 years old. The 70’s were about disco, bellbottoms, a bicentennial in the Continue Reading
Are you doing a “job”, developing a “career”, or pursuing a “calling”?
Not all work is perceived the same and the way people think about their work might surprise you. Do you see work as a chore, something you do for a paycheck or for some extra cash? Do you go to work simply because you have to? You live for the weekend and spend as little Continue Reading